Friday, 29 November 2013

Strata Units/Villas/ Town Houses - What Is Involved If Purchased?

In Australia, Strata Units or Strata Town Houses are basically not that complicated as it may sound, yet it is said quickly.

The Oxford Dictionary meaning for 'Strata' is  ( is very simply - the Plural word for 'Stratum'. And then the Oxford Dictionary meaning for 'Stratum' is:

noun (plural strata /-tÉ™/)

  • 1a layer or a series of layers of rock in the ground:a stratum of flint
  •  a thin layer within any structure:thin strata of air
  • 2a level or class to which people are assigned according to their social status, education, or income:members of other social strata
  •  Statistics a group into which members of a population are divided in stratified sampling:allocation of sample units to strata


late 16th century (in the sense 'layer or coat of a substance'): modern Latin, from Latin, literally 'something spread or laid down', neuter past participle of sternere 'strew'
In Latin the word stratum is singular and its plural form is strata. In English this distinction is maintained—it is incorrect to use strata as a singular or to create the form stratas as the plural: a series of overlying strata not a series of overlying stratas, and a new stratum was uncovered not a new strata was uncovered.
So now are you confused? Well, I was uneducated until 2 
weeks ago. Now I am semi-qualified to explain to you  how 
it works in Australia.

Basically in means that you don't pay for Building
insurance when you own a Strata Titled property,  as you 
are sharing a common property. Yet Quarterly levies need
to be paid, which covers  building insurance and 
maintenance and repair of property. Improvement for 
anything related to the property need to be approved by a 
the owners corporation.

For further information you can research the following 
websites, for assistance:

So Strata Units are  are Strata Titled units commonly 

known as a block of Units and Strata Town House can be

 joined or freestanding.

Type of Strata Units:

image                                                          image

Types of Strata Townhouses: 

First one is sharing a common wall, the second one is free-



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